Our Philanthropy – Brettler/Mintz Foundation

The Mintz Family has always believed in giving back to the community and sharing our good fortune with others.

The Brettler/Mintz Foundation began when the Mintz Family merged its philanthropic activities with two private foundations – The Rae Bobbe Foundation and the Dr. Adolph and Clara Brettler Foundation – that had similar goals and interests. The Mintz Family manages the Foundation, whose mission revolves around four pillars:

  • health
  • education
  • children
  • the Jewish community
Brettler Mintz Foundation

Where the Foundation is unique is in family members’ commitment to not only donate financially to charities, but to personally get involved with many of the not-for-profits we support. Each Foundation board member volunteers with several charities on a personal and professional level.

Minkids Group Chairman, Harley Mintz, is and has been active and on the Board of Directors of Baycrest Foundation, Reena Foundation (Chair), Canadian Friends of Hebrew University (Chair) and UJA Federation. Additionally, Harley was the co-chair of the UJA Federation’s Annual Campaign in 2019.

In 2023, Harley will be the Jewish National Fund honouree at the Negev dinner being held on November 12, 2023.